Work-Life Balance for Work at Home Moms

Developing an excellent work-life balance may be the most essential key to success for work-at-home moms (WAHMs). It can be challenging to juggle the demands of work and family and seem like an elusive fantasy sometimes. Continue readingWork-Life Balance for Work at Home Moms

Best Personal Finance Advice for High School Students

Personal finance can be difficult regardless of age, but perhaps even more so when you are just starting out as a young adult. You might be wondering, what is the best personal finance advice for high school students? Good question.Continue readingBest Personal Finance Advice for High School Students

6 Excellent Books on Raising Financially Savvy Kids

Raising financially savvy kids is harder than it sounds. Kids have everything taken care of for them including groceries, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment. While it’s not healthy to scare your children into financial awareness, setting up systems in your home to promote allowance for hard work can be a great way to raise financially savvy kids. Kids who understand the value of hard work and subsequent money earned (even if it is for chores done around the house) will be more fiscally responsible adults. So, these excellent books on raising financially savvy kids can help. Continue reading6 Excellent Books on Raising Financially Savvy Kids

29 Ways for Preteens to Earn Extra Cash Around The House

We’ve finally come up with a way for our pre-teen to consistently earn extra cash around the house for his expenses while simultaneously taking some of the pressure off us to make every single event a lesson in personal finance. Continue reading29 Ways for Preteens to Earn Extra Cash Around The House